New Extemp Questions, Impromptu Prompts, Parli Resolutions, Lincoln-Douglas Articles, First Policy and Public Forum Cases.
Monument Mondays are weekly emails sent to all current members. It highlights the week's releases and makes pertinent announcements for members throughout the season. Members should make the habit of checking their Monument Monday email, downloading the content they need, and working through the source material for that week.
Monument Monday for August 10, 2020
New Extemp Questions, Impromptu Prompts, Parli Resolutions, Lincoln-Douglas Philosophy Articles, Policy Current Issues Articles.
Monument Monday for August 3, 2020
August 3 is a significant date! We launch all overview articles for Lincoln-Douglas and Policy Debate, plus the final installment for MASTERING THE MONUMENT METHOD. Enjoy!
Monument Monday for July 27, 2020
Your first Monument Monday welcomes you to the earliest kickoff ever for speech and debate competition! New Extemp, Parli, and Impromptu prompts, the first MODELING video on Humorous Interp, and preseason course material.
Monument Monday for July 20, 2020
Extemp topics on Joe Biden, European Bailout, Home Mortgages; Impromptu prompts on Biden or Trump on a variety of different political issues; Introduction to Policy Debate for Season 21; Mastering the Monument Method BONUS Video; Parli prompts on America’s Founding, health, Twitter, human rights, police, presidential pardons, masks, bailouts.
Monument Monday for July 13, 2020
Mastering the Monument Method (Video 2), Extemp Prep, Impromptu Prompts, Parli, Introduction to Parli Debate, New Modeling Video.
Monument Monday for July 6, 2020
MASTERING THE MONUMENT METHOD — This is the third course of the year, all new material that brings you to the next level of speech and debate excellence. The first class is FREE and the rest is open to PLUS and INFINITY members. Find out more and sign up today!
Monument Monday for June 29, 2020
Welcome to the FOURTH Monument Monday for Season 21! Next week we start adding debate material to our line up, giving you first-of-the-year access to the best download preparation in the speech and debate world.
Monument Monday for June 22, 2020
Your first Monument Monday welcomes you to the earliest kickoff ever for speech and debate competition! New Extemp, Parli, and Impromptu prompts, the first MODELING video on Humorous Interp, and preseason course material.
Monument Monday for June 15, 2020
Your first Monument Monday welcomes you to the earliest kickoff ever for speech and debate competition! New Extemp, Parli, and Impromptu prompts, the first MODELING video on Humorous Interp, and preseason course material.