Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reform the use of artificial intelligence technology.
Artificial Intelligence
Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reform the use of artificial intelligence technology.
Economic Stability vs Economic Growth
Resolved: Economic stability is more important than economic growth.
US Military Commitments
Resolved: The USFG should considerably decrease its military commitments.
Assimilation vs Multiculturalism
Resolved: Culture ought to value assimilation over multiculturalism.
Monetary Policy
Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reform its banking, finance, and/or monetary policy.
Monetary Policy: Part 3 “History & Status Quo”
In Part 3 of explaining the policy resolution on monetary policy, Coach Vance covers a thorough history of the topic as well as provides ample ideas for policy changes.
Foreign Aid
Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially reform its foreign aid.
Truth-seeking vs Individual Privacy
Resolved: Criminal procedure should value truth-seeking over individual privacy.
Preemptive Warfare
Resolved: Preemptive warfare is morally justified.