Resolved: In formal education liberal arts ought to be valued above practical skills.
Federal Jurisprudence
Resolved: In the United States federal jurisprudence, the letter of the law ought to have priority over the spirit of the law.
Economics vs Equity
Resolved: In the realm of economics, freedom ought to be valued above equity.
International Conflicts
Resolved: The United States has a moral obligation to mitigate international conflicts.
Privacy Is Undervalued
Resolved: Privacy Is Undervalued.
Moral Obligation to Assist Nations
Resolved: That governments have a moral obligation to assist other nations in need.
Keys to Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Lincoln-Douglas debate is a 1-on-1 format of debate that centers on philosophical values. Learning to craft a winning strategy takes diligent effort, which is why award-winning coach Travis Herche set out to layout his winning strategies.
Personal Freedom vs Economic Security
Resolved: When in conflict, personal freedom ought to be valued above economic security.
Due Process
Resolved: In the pursuit of justice, due process ought to be valued above the discovery of fact.
Popular Sovereignty vs Individual Rights
Resolved: A government’s legitimacy is determined more by its respect for popular sovereignty than individual rights.