Lincoln-Douglas debate has a very tight timeframe for its speeches. Organization and time management are very important. LD champion Jon “De” Bateman gives his ideas on how to best organize your speeches and manage your time in an LD round.
Principles of Great Refutation
Understanding the format of an argument is the basis for preparing a strong refutation. Lincoln-Douglas debater Lydia Williams explains to novice debaters how to attack basic arguments and build the rebuttal that will win rounds.
Improving Delivery
“Delivery” is the use of verbal and non-verbal communication to persuade your judge in a debate round. National Lincoln-Douglas debate champions Jon Bateman and Matthew Baker present campers with five delivery techniques to improving delivery.
Cross-examination for Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Perhaps the most common problem for new debaters is coming up with helpful and effective cross-examination questions. Matthew Erickson shares his champion-level strategies to asking strong CX questions, particularly in Lincoln-Douglas debate.
Speaking Drills for Debate
Several strategies are applied to make you a better debater, but drills help you prepare for difficult competition. Lincoln-Douglas title winner Matthew Erickson explains his favorite speaking drills that he used to prepare to win.
Pre-scripting Arguments
Debaters make a claim, support it, and give impact in why it matters. National debate champion Matthew Erickson shows how to pre-script popular arguments to prepare for your next tournament.
Focus on Nationals
If you made it to your national tournament, you’re about to enter the most academically challenging tournament of your year. Multi-winning champion Shane Baumgardner explains the focus to have to make the most of your experience.
Clashing Worldviews
Just as Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas debated “worldviews” in the 19th century, so do value debaters today in Lincoln-Douglas debate. Cheyenne Ossen explains the different motivations to supporting and negating value resolutions.
Flowing Lincoln-Douglas Debate
“Flowing” is the process debaters use to take notes in a debate round. Much strategy is involved in the technique. Brook Wade, NCFCA national champion in Lincoln-Douglas debate, explains best practices in flowing LD rounds.
Universal Basic Income
Resolved: The United States ought to provide a universal basic income.