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The National Christian Forensics and Communication Association (NCFCA) is the first exclusively homeschooled speech and debate association (since 1995). The league serves 10 regions in the United States and hosts a national tournament every June. NCFCA source material for Monument Members include Apologetics, Extemp, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Policy Debate, and a special area for Coaches.
NCFCA Apologetics Downloads
NCFCA Extemp Downloads
NCFCA Lincoln-Douglas Downloads
NCFCA Policy Downloads
NCFCA Coaches Downloads
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Click Here for complete information on permissions. All Membership content and Library Archives are proprietary intellectual content, so please respect our copyrights. Simply put, if you are not a Monument Member, you may not use it or share its content. If one partner of a debate team is a member and the other is not, the one who is a Monument Member must be the controller of the logins, downloads and incorporation of the Monument Membership material. Sharing logins is strictly prohibited, the only exception being from immediate family members within a single household.
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